
Showing posts from July, 2024

Why a sound?

Off the back of some recent live pulsars performances and the public release of the PdPG, I thought I'd do some writing about Pulsar Synthesis, neural networks, and how both systems interact with each other in the PdPG, and outside as a control structure. Pulsar Synthesis What is Pulsar Synthesis? A very brief overview (some more in-depth histories are Nathan Ho's in depth  article  and  Marcin Pietruszewski's excellent writings ) : in 2001, Curtis Roads described a synthesis technique, "Pulsar Synthesis", in  Sound Composition with Pulsars (Roads, 2001). If you've had a cursory look into this kind of synthesis, you'll be familiar with Fig. 1, taken from Sound Composition With Pulsars  (Roads, 2001); in essence, a single cycle waveform is followed by a moment of silence. Together, these make up one period of a Pulsar. The space the waveform (or "pulsaret") takes within the period can vary. Each period is enveloped with a waveform of the user